Locate, Educate, and Mobilize the Conservative Hispanic Population

Join the movement of Hispanic Republicans in California to impact our political future together.

Having trouble finding out who to vote for?

Visit our voter guide

Brown Is The New Red, Republican Red

Join us in engaging politics and promoting core values of faith, family, and opportunity for the Hispanic community.

man and woman holding each others hands
man and woman holding each others hands
a hand holding a red button that says i vote
a hand holding a red button that says i vote


Stay informed of the latest events as we take out state back from these radical Democrats.

Our New O.C. Chapter

Orange County, get ready to get involved and help bring the right leadership to our elected offices.

Our Chapters

“Join our Republican Club and be a part of shaping a brighter future for our community!”

Coming Soon!

Chapter Starting Feb. 8th




Engage in Politics

News articles showing the growing support of Hispanic/Latinos joining the Republican party

Why Hispanic Voters Have Drifted Toward the GOP

Democrats insist most Latino voters still side with their party, but recent polls suggest a shift in political allegiances due to issues like the economy, education, cultural values and immigration.

a close up of a toothbrush with the word vote written on it
a close up of a toothbrush with the word vote written on it

Poll: Democrats' advantage with Latino voters continues to shrink

Harris leads Trump nationally among Latinos, 54% to 40%, but Democrats’ edge is at its lowest level in the last four presidential cycles.

A pole with a sign that says polling station
A pole with a sign that says polling station

A Message from our Founder

What are the key issues in the Hispanic Community? A question I have heard for decades and usually followed by the statement; Hispanics are Conservative/Republican but do not know it.

As an American of Mexican Descent, I believe most Hispanics share the issues important to me.

Clean Safe Neighborhoods, Quality Education for our children, and the ability to work hard and prosper seem to be shared by most Americans, regardless of ethnicity.

In researching the voter rolls, it turns out thousands of Americans of Hispanic Descent are already registered Republicans.

They were Conservative and Republican, and they knew it.

What was needed was a way to let them know they were not alone and invite them into the political arena and yes mobilize.

That is the reason, the California Hispanic Republican Club was formed.

Join us

David Hernandez Founder.

group of person eating indoors

Have a question, let us know!

Join us to engage and empower the Hispanic Republican community.